Welcome To Midnight



Welcome to midnight.

What does it mean? It means you are alive. It’s a new year, and anything is possible. Change, hope, dreams, life.

To Write Love On Her Arms runs the hashtag #WelcomeToMidnight every year at New Years to commemorate the stories of those who have overcome suicide.

And this issue truly does break my heart. My eyes are welling up with tears as I write this. Several people more dear to me than words have been suicidal or attempted suicide over the past 7 years. I’ve sat up until dawn to listen and soothe some. I’ve stayed with individuals so they would not have to be alone. I’ve also cried myself to sleep when I was on the other side of the country from loved ones, hoping that someone would still be there when I awoke.

But I firmly believe that with love, everyone can be supported to find the light.

So this goes out to all those who are struggling, whether I know you or not, whether I know your struggle or not, whether we are close friends, just acquaintances, or complete strangers. If you are someone searching for that light and cannot find hope, you are not alone.

If you are stuck in darkness…

I hear you. I can’t say I understand what you’re going through, but I hear your hurt, and I know that it feels like more than you can take. What I want you to know is that your life matters. I care about you. Your friends, your family, they care about you. Even if you feel completely isolated, I swear to you that there are people who care and think that you’re worth it.

I encourage you to talk to someone. You can talk to me, if you like. You can talk to someone you know. You can talk to an anonymous person at 1-800-273-TALK. But someone wants to hear you, to listen to you, to share in your pain, to let you be known.

I encourage you to look at the stories of survivors, like those on the #WelcomeToMidnight hashtag. So many have been where you are, but their hope is rekindled. Their lives are beautiful. And I believe your life can be too.

I encourage you to stay in the present moment. Watch the ball drop. Hear the happiness of voices around you. Feel the expectancy of a chance for change. Clang some pots together. Breathe the crisp air.

And know that I will hold onto hope for you. I will walk with you. You can make it through today. If you can do that, you my dear can do this.