Kansas: Or How We Nearly Met The Governor

When we walked through Kansas, one day’s walking left us spending the night in Topeka. A few locals told us to check out the newly remodeled capitol.


The building was quite impressive. Tall archways led into the dome and rotunda, covered in ornate murals and gold leaf columns.

As we climbed the stairs, lo and behold, we met the Chief of Staff for the Lieutenant Governor. He was very excited to meet us, and brought us into the governor’s office. He and the rest of the governor’s staff were very hopeful that the governor would return since they said he would want to meet us. Unfortunately, he was gone for the rest of the day.lt governors office

We did learn, however, that the governor is exceptionally prolife and is a faithful Catholic who attends daily Mass. Kansas is blessed to have him.

So, that’s how we nearly met Sam Brownback, the Kansas governor.